$WANA token (Smart contract: 0x339C72829AB7DD45C3C52f965E7ABe358dd8761E) is a BEP-20 Binance Smart Chain token. $WANA token is the native currency in Wanaka Farm. There is a max total supply of 500M $WANA. Players and investors need $WANA to interact with Wanaka Metaverse. $WANA utilities:

  1. Game currency that is used for transactions (purchasing lands and items at WanaTrade & WanaShop).
  2. Hold $WANA through a staking mechanism and receive rewards from the game. Our stake page has been online and players can choose to Lock between 90 days or 180 days for great APR Rewards: https://staking.wanakafarm.com/
  3. Users will need $WANA to participate in the Governance structure of Wanaka in the decentralized organization (DAO) of Wanaka Farm. Voters will also receive rewards for their contribution to the development of Wanaka.

For Market fee, both Marketplace or WanaTrade can be paid in $WANA, 50% will be burnt every month to polish the value of $WANA you are holding. 

Further policy may changes. We will firmly put an announcement regarding this matter.