
After harvesting, you can use your harvested items to create product items to do daily quests or to boost your productivity.

Remember, Producing includes 02 steps of Factory working:

  1. Splitting your Harvested into Elements, Ingredients
  2. Crafting your given Ingredients, together with some Shop Ingredients, to make needed Product items

Notice: Your Pet cannot do the Producing activities, You have to use Factory with your own energy.

Product items for Character

Character energy recovery

1⮕3 ★ value


Required cook Ingredient (Factory processed)

Required element Ingredient (Wanashop)

Salad Asgard

02-star-Salad: + 30 Energy

03-star-Salad: + 45 Energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Sliced Cabbage + Sliced Apple



Restore 45/60/75 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Milk + Sliced beef


Fish soup

Restore 15/30/45 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Sliced Fish + Flour


Mango Smoothie

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Milk + Sliced Mango


Chung Cake

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Rice + Pork



Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Corn Kernel

Sugar + Butter

Corn Soup

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Corn Flour

Orange Juice

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Orange Slices


Candied Orange Peel

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Orange Peels


Fried Plaice

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Plaice Fillet

Plaice Bone Hook

Plaice bone are very sharp. Good fish hooks are necessary for experienced fishermen.

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Plaice Bones

Rare Goat Meet

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Goat Shank

Salt + Pepper

Ivory Horn

A nice horn trumpet can gather all Wanaka counsil, only use it when you really mean it.

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Goat Horn

This process will require some ingredients sold on the WanaShop. Splitting or Crafting will cost 5 $WAI and 2 Energy each action.

Don’t forget to Craft the Character’s energy recovery items like Salads, Steak… or your Pet’s supplements to keep its Health, Energy and Satiety suficient. Your pets really need many different Product items to be energetic and active for your Farming support!

Product items for Pet



Required Element

Required other ingredients (Photos for reference)


Regen 30% Pet Satiety

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

 Cattle Potion x 2
Fruiti Potion x 1
Cropi Potion x 1
Aqua Potion x 1

Sliced Fish x 2


Regen 50% Pet Satiety

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

 Aqua Potion x 1
Cropi Potion x 2
Cattle Potion x 2
Fruiti Potion x 2

Sliced Mango x 2


Regen 100% Pet Satiety

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

 Cropi Potion x 3
Fruiti Potion x 3
Cattle Potion x 4
Aqua Potion x 2

Pork x 1


Regen 30% Pet Health

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

 CropiPotion-2 x 1  FrutiPotion-2 x  1 AquaPotion-2 x 1 CattlePotion-2 x 1

Rice x 1

Sliced Beef x 2


Regen 50% Pet Health

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

CropiPotion-2 x 2 FrutiPotion-2 x 2
AquaPotion-2 x 2 CattlePotion-2 x 2

Sliced Fish x 1
Flour x 1


Regen 100% Pet Health

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

CropiPotion-2 x 3 FrutiPotion-2 x 3
AquaPotion-2 x 2 CattlePotion-2 x 4

Alpha 2 + Beta 2 + Delta 2

Carp scale x 1


Regen 1 Pet Energy

-01 energy -00 $WAI


Organic Waste x 01


Regen 10 Pet Energy

-10 energy -00 $WAI


Organic Waste x 03


Regen 100 Pet Energy

-100 energy -00 $WAI


Organic Waste x 10