
Each player will have 480 energy from the start, and energy regenerates naturally over time for 30 energy per hour.

Max energy bar to be recovered

In addition, you can use Product items to restore you character’s energy. Energy will be used to perform operations in the game, Those actions include:

  • interacting with the plot (ploughing),
  • interacting with growing items (growing, watering/feeding, harvest)
  • interacting with harvested items (breeding, processing)
  • interacting with ingredient items (crafting)

Below is items that help your character to recover the energy instantly:

Product items for Character


Required cook Ingredient (Factory processed)

Required element Ingredient (Wanashop)

Salad Asgard

02-star-Salad: + 30 Energy

03-star-Salad: + 45 Energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Sliced Cabbage + Sliced Apple

Salt + Pepper


Restore 45/60/70 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Milk + Butter + Sliced beef


Fish soup

Restore 15/30/45 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Sliced Fish + Flour

Mango Smoothie

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Milk + Sliced Mango


Chung Cake

Restore 30/45/60 Character's energy

-02 energy
-05 $WAI

Rice + Pork