$WAI token (Smart contract: 0x934c9198582bf2631128c5d4b051aacef9a6224f) is a BEP-20 Binance Smart Chain token. $WAI token is the native currency in WANAKA Farm. It’s a secondary token that is used in the Wanaka Farm ecosystem for specific purposes.

The total max supply is uncapped but its supply is regulated by a burning mechanism of the game. Simply put, $WAI can inflate or deflate in a specific time window depending on the gaming activities. $WAI is earned (minted) through quest completion and spent (burned) through multiple gaming activities.

Earn $WAI:

  1. Completing in-game quests
  2. Staking $WANA (TBD)
  3. Participating in the voting process in the DAO
  4. Selling items on WanaTrade

Spend $WAI:

  1. Breeding fees (breeding house)
  2. Producing fees (production house) And WanaTrade market fee.
  3. Upgrade lands, Assemble Pets
  4. Participate in Lotto Games (gain back valuabable items, NFT items, Check the details at Patch Note 1.0.8)